Classic Albums – Nevermind (Nirvana)

by Sam Bell
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Nevermind: A Guitarist’s Review
Nirvana’s 1991 album “Nevermind” is a seminal work in the annals of rock music. The record introduced the world to the raw, grunge sound of Seattle, shaping the trajectory of rock music for years to come. Kurt Cobain, the band’s lead guitarist and songwriter, wielded his guitar like a paintbrush, painting vivid, emotionally charged sonic landscapes. His guitar work on “Nevermind” is a study in contrasts: clean arpeggios juxtaposed with distorted power chords, stark melodic lines cutting through thick layers of feedback, all underpinned by a keen sense of songwriting.

Sam Bell teaches the uncompromising guitar parts from this timeless album, with tutorials and guidance on how to recreate the unique playing style of Kurt Cobain. Relive the album which changed the course of rock history.

Guitar Lesson 1: “Smells Like Teen Spirit”
This song is one of Nirvana’s most famous, and it features a four-chord progression, with power chords F-Bb-Ab-Db. The clean, arpeggiated intro gives way to a roaring, distorted chorus. The solo, mirroring the main melody, is played with heavy distortion and utilizes a minor pentatonic scale, emphasizing Cobain’s raw, emotional playing style.

Guitar Lesson 2: “In Bloom”
“In Bloom” is a grungy blend of clean verses and heavily distorted choruses. The main riff is played on a B Mixolydian scale, while the solo showcases Cobain’s use of double stops.

Guitar Lesson 3: “Come As You Are”
This song features a catchy, clean-tone riff played on an E minor scale. The use of chorus effect on the riff creates a watery, psychedelic texture. The solo maintains the song’s moody atmosphere with its use of bends and vibrato.

Guitar Lesson 4: “Breed”
“Breed” is a fast-paced track characterized by the use of power chords and aggressive palm-muted sections. The solo features rapid alternate picking in the F# minor pentatonic scale.

Guitar Lesson 5: “Lithium”
“Lithium” is a masterclass in dynamic contrast. The verses are characterized by clean, arpeggiated chords, transitioning to heavy, distorted choruses. The solo is a mixture of sustained notes and fast, aggressive picking.

Guitar Lesson 6: “Polly”
“Polly” is a departure from the album’s heavy distortion, featuring a simple, clean guitar part played on an acoustic guitar. The song uses open chords and has no solo, emphasizing the song’s stark lyrics and melody.

Guitar Lesson 7: “Territorial Pissings”
This track is fast and aggressive, with a major part of the song using power chords. The song doesn’t feature a conventional solo, but it showcases Cobain’s use of feedback and noise to create a chaotic atmosphere.

Guitar Lesson 8: “Drain You”
“Drain You” combines melodic verses with heavy choruses. The solo section utilizes dissonant, atonal guitar noises, creating a sonic texture rather than a traditional melodic solo.

Guitar Lesson 9: “Lounge Act”
“Lounge Act” features a dynamic mix of clean and distorted sections, played on an E minor scale. The solo is characterized by quick bends and rapid alternate picking.

Guitar Lesson 10: “Stay Away”
“Stay Away” showcases a blend of power chords and open string riffs. The solo section features a mix of pentatonic licks and chromatic runs.

Guitar Lesson 11: “On A Plain”
“On A Plain” is characterized by its catchy, melodic chorus, underpinned by a series of power chords. The solo utilizes double stops, giving it a thick, textured sound.

Guitar Lesson 12: “Something In The Way”
“Something In The Way” concludes the album with an acoustic guitar part played with fingerpicking. It serves as a somber ending to the album.

Kurt Cobain: The Guitarist
Cobain’s contributions to “Nevermind” are immense. He embraced simplicity, focusing on songwriting over technical showmanship. His solos, often mirroring the song’s main melody, are filled with raw emotion. He wasn’t a virtuoso in a traditional sense, but his ability to channel raw emotion through his instrument was unparalleled.

Techniques Used in “Nevermind”
Power Chords / Palm Muting / Vibrato / Alternate Picking / Double Stops / Arpeggios / Harmonics / Open String Riffs / Finger Picking / Slides / String Bending / Chord Progressions


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