Classic Albums – Pump (Aerosmith)

by Sam Bell
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The Pump Album by Aerosmith: A Guitarist’s Perspective
This is a detailed analysis of Aerosmith’s ‘Pump’ album, examining it from a guitarist’s viewpoint, focusing on the techniques used by the lead guitarist, Joe Perry.

Released in September 1989, Pump is the tenth studio release from hard rock icons Aerosmith. The band’s second best selling album of all time, Pump continues the glam metal sound introduced on Permanent Vacation, but with significantly rawer elements of heavy metal and hard rock. To date, it is the only Aerosmith album to have three Top 10 singles on the Billboard Hot 100.

In this course, LickLibrary’s Sam Bell walks you through the many highlights of each song from this essential album one phrase at a time, including Joe Perry’s classic guitar parts and lead lines from tracks such as; “Janie’s Got a Gun” “The Other Side,” and the iconic “Love in an Elevator.”

Guitar Lesson 1: Young Lust
Perry kicks off the album with a driving rhythm using open-string riffs and power chords in the key of F# minor. The solo, saturated with pentatonic licks and bluesy bends, has a raunchy vibe that sets the mood for the rest of the album.

Guitar Lesson 2: F.I.N.E.
Perry demonstrates some complex chord progressions. The song is played in G major and involves extensive use of slides, palm-muting and a galloping rhythm in the riff, leading to a melodic solo that employs alternate picking and double stops.

Guitar Lesson 3: Going Down/Love in an Elevator
This piece is an A major track that starts with a memorable riff consisting of arpeggiated chord progressions. Joe Perry incorporates syncopated rhythms and intricate lead lines featuring hammer-ons and pull-offs.

Guitar Lesson 4: Monkey on My Back
The heavy use of power chords and a chunky open-string riff in D minor gives this song its gritty feel. The solo section contains dive-bombs and whammy bar tricks, providing a complex and chaotic sound that’s quintessentially rock.

Guitar Lesson 5: Water Song/Janie’s Got a Gun
One of the album’s biggest hits, ‘Janie’s Got a Gun’ is a melodic song in C minor that features finger-picking, barre chords and intricate arpeggios. Perry’s solo in this song showcases his understanding of dynamics and sustain.

Guitar Lesson 6: Dulcimer Stomp/The Other Side
This tune switches between A minor and G major, featuring a catchy riff with hammer-ons and power chords. Perry’s solo uses double-stop bends and unison bends for a bluesy effect.

Guitar Lesson 7: My Girl
A classic rock ballad in E major. Perry demonstrates his versatility with the use of arpeggiated chord progressions and vibrato. The solo is a display of expressive string bending and trills.

Guitar Lesson 8: Don’t Get Mad, Get Even
This song stands out for its slide guitar intro in open G tuning. Perry’s guitar solo here includes tapped harmonics and legato techniques, demonstrating his range of skills.

Guitar Lesson 9: Hoodoo/Voodoo Medicine Man
‘Voodoo Medicine Man’ is a classic Aerosmith track in C# minor. Perry’s use of pre-bends, octave melodies and harmonics in the main riff and the solo gives this song its eerie vibe.

Guitar Lesson 10: What It Takes
Ending the album on a high note, ‘What It Takes’ is a heart-wrenching ballad in D major that features finger-picking and a blues-inspired solo. Perry uses string bending and vibrato to bring out the emotive power of his playing.

Joe Perry’s Contribution
Lead guitarist Joe Perry’s unique style and proficiency are an integral part of the album’s success. His ability to blend diverse techniques and scales adds depth to Aerosmith’s music, creating a sonic landscape that’s as diverse as it is captivating. His work on ‘Pump’ not only showcases his skill as a guitarist but also his understanding of how a guitar can serve the song, whether it’s driving the rhythm or taking the spotlight for a face-melting solo.

Guitar Techniques Used in Pump
Open-string Riffs / Power Chords / Palm-muting / Slides / Alternate Picking / Double Stops / Syncopated Rhythms / Hammer-ons / Pull-offs / Finger-picking / Barre Chords / Arpeggios / Sustain / Double-stop Bends / Unison Bends / Vibrato / Trills / Legato / Pre-bends / Octave Melodies / Harmonics / Bluesy Bends / Arpeggiated Chord Progressions


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