A Guitarist’s Guide to Better Practicing

by Pete Huttlinger
Product Size: 3.14 GB (DVD5)

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A Guitarist’s Guide to Better Practicing – Improve Technique, Build Stamina and Increase Speed

Peter Huttlinger’s amazing guitar technique didn’t just happen. He developed it over the years, enhanced by good practice and exercise regimens. As a guitar teacher with more than sixteen years experience, Pete knows that the most important thing that players need is guidance in their practicing routine. He has seen guitarists playing a piece for years, making the same mistakes over and over without knowing how to fix the problem.

Now, with this powerful lesson filled with invaluable advice and insider’s tips, you can increase your guitar skills and perfect your playing style through proper practice routines. You’ll learn how to isolate the problem phrases in a piece of music, use a metronome to build solid rhythm, increase your picking speed (flatpick or finger style), train your “muscle memory,” and, perhaps most importantly, learn how to manage your practice time for sure results. Pete provides numerous scales and exercises to help you gain fingerboard knowledge, strengthen your fingers and develop right and left hand coordination. Finally, you’ll put it all to practical use by learning to conquer a dazzling instrumental, “The Monaghan Jig,” taking it apart phrase by phrase using Pete’s practice method.

This is a lesson that will benefit all guitarists. Whatever level you are starting from, you’ll see the quality of your playing grow by leaps and bounds, and you’ll get more pleasure from your music making.

Pete’s Comments
The idea for this lesson came about after years of giving private guitar instruction. People love to play music, and the guitar is probably the single most popular instrument to play. And why not? It’s relatively easy to get started, it’s portable (you can take it anywhere), but mostly it’s just plain fun.

However, after learning a few favorite songs or a cool riff we remember from our childhood, most of us want to improve and get to the next level. The biggest hurdle I ran into was that students didn’t really understand how to practice. They knew what to practice but the how was always the real problem. Many times I’d sit in the room with them and spend the entire lesson actually practicing along with them. Every time I did that they would leave the room a better player than when they entered – all because we practiced hard together.

Hopefully, you will take the ideas, exercises and pieces that I teach in this lesson and apply them to your own playing. If you do, you will see amazing results. Enjoy! Pete

Student Review
“I’ve had your “Guitarist’s Guide to Better Practicing” for some weeks now. Your lessons are the first I’ve found that focus on hand development rather than teaching of tunes. I’d been stuck for some time (years) in improving right and left hand strength and flexibility. Your exercises…are simply excellent.”
– Ken Julkowski


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