Classic Albums – Houses of The Holy (Led Zeppelin)

by Danny Gill
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Dissecting the Guitar Techniques in Led Zeppelin’s “Houses of the Holy”

Released in March 1973, Houses of the Holy is the fifth studio album by British hard-rock giants Led Zeppelin. Marking a stylistic turning point for the band, Houses of the Holy largely abandons the weighty, dark blues-rock distortion in favour of a clean, expansive rock sound incorporating swing rhythms as well as psychedelic influences and even, reggae.
In this course, LickLibrary veteran, Danny Gill walks you through the many highlights of each song from this classic rock gem, one phrase at a time, including all of Jimmy Page’s legendary guitar parts from the tracks; “Over The Hills And Far Away,” “The Rain Song,” and the epic, “No Quarter.”

Guitar Lessons in This Course
• The Song Remains The Same
• The Rain Song
• Over The Hills And Far Away
• The Crunge
• Dancing Days
• D’yer Mak’er
• No Quarter
• The Ocean

Guitar Lesson 1: “The Song Remains the Same”
This song opens with Jimmy Page’s driving power chords before he weaves into a complex arpeggiated chord progression. Notable for its extensive use of the D Mixolydian scale, Page employs numerous techniques including string bending and alternate picking.

Guitar Lesson 2: “The Rain Song”
“The Rain Song” showcases Page’s delicate touch with a finger-picked intro in an alternate D G C G C D tuning. The song moves through complex chord progressions and utilizes harmonics to build an ethereal soundscape. Page’s guitar solo demonstrates his mastery of dynamics and sustain, with a tasteful use of the E minor scale.

Guitar Lesson 3: “Over the Hills and Far Away”
This song begins with a beautiful finger-picked intro using a G major scale, moving on to a powerful electric section with heavy emphasis on syncopated rhythms and open-string riffs. The guitar solo is a study in bluesy bends and slides, showcasing Page’s roots in blues.

Guitar Lesson 4: “The Crunge”
“The Crunge” displays Jimmy Page’s funk influences with its syncopated rhythms and the use of chromaticism. The song’s solo section is filled with string-bending and bluesy bends that demonstrate Page’s expressive playing.

Guitar Lesson 5: “Dancing Days”
“Dancing Days” is centered around a mesmerizing riff built on an arpeggiated chord progression in an open C6 tuning. This song exhibits Jimmy’s mastery of octave melodies and galloping rhythms, along with his signature legato licks.

Guitar Lesson 6: “D’yer Mak’er”
“D’yer Mak’er” is a reggae-influenced track showcasing Jimmy’s versatility. The solo is notable for its use of double-stop bends and pre-bends within the context of the A major pentatonic scale.

Guitar Lesson 7: “No Quarter”
“No Quarter” highlights Page’s ability to create dark and moody textures using a combination of the E minor and C major scales. His use of sustain and vibrato adds to the atmospheric nature of this track.

Guitar Lesson 8: “The Ocean”
“The Ocean” is a powerful rock number featuring a catchy main riff and dynamic syncopated rhythms. Jimmy’s solo on this track is a standout, utilizing the E minor pentatonic scale with bluesy bends, vibrato, and string bending for extra intensity.

Lead Guitarist: Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page’s contribution to the world of rock, specifically on the album “Houses of the Holy,” is immeasurable. His fusion of blues and rock, combined with his extraordinary technical prowess, creates a unique soundscape that still echoes in the modern rock world. In this album, his keen use of alternate tunings, combined with intricate finger-picking patterns and dynamic scale use, creates a vivid aural picture.

Guitar Techniques used in “Houses of the Holy”
• Vibrato
• Alternate Picking
• Legato
• Double-Stop Bends
• Harmonics
• Power Chords
• Syncopated Rhythms
• Open-String Riffs
• Bluesy Bends
• Octave Melodies
• Galloping Rhythms
• Arpeggiated Chord Progressions
• Chromaticism
• Altered Tunings

The album “Houses of the Holy” by Led Zeppelin offers a plethora of guitar techniques and styles that are bound to inspire and inform guitarists of all levels. With each lesson, one gets a deeper understanding of the nuances and depth of Jimmy Page’s playing, providing a valuable resource for those wanting to improve their guitar skills.

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