Classic Albums – Master of Reality (Black Sabbath)

by Danny Gill
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“Master of Reality” by Black Sabbath: A Guitarist’s Perspective
“Master of Reality,” the third album by the British rock band Black Sabbath, marked a turning point in the world of heavy metal. Released in July 1971 Master of Reality is the third studio album by heavy metal pioneers, Black Sabbath. Highly regarded as the foundation of doom metal, sludge metal and stoner rock. Master of Reality was Black Sabbath first album to enter the top 10 album chart in the US and certified double platinum after having sold 2 million copies
In this course, Licklibrary veteran Danny Gill walks you through the many highlights of each song from the heavy metal icons one phase at a time, including all of Tony Iommi’s legendary guitar parts from the tracks: ‘Sweet Leaf’, ‘Into the Void’ and the anthemic ‘Children of the Grave’.

Guitar Lessons in This Course
• Sweet Leaf
• After Forever
• Embryo
• Children Of The Grave
• Orchid
• Lord Of This World
• Solitude
• Into The Void

Guitar Lesson 1: “Sweet Leaf”
Starting with a cough, this track is a tribute to marijuana and showcases Tony Iommi’s command of power chords and octave melodies. The song is predominantly in the C# minor pentatonic scale and utilizes palm-muting in the main riff. The solo is rich in string bending and vibrato, reflecting Iommi’s blues influence.

Guitar Lesson 2: “After Forever”
Iommi employs a more intricate chord progression, mixing power chords with harmonized riffs. The song, in E minor, explores alternate picking in the fast-paced solo, coupled with slides, and also features some harmonized dual guitar lines.

Guitar Lesson 3: “Embryo”
A brief instrumental interlude, “Embryo” is mainly a string-picked piece that highlights Iommi’s finger-picking technique. It’s a simple yet effective composition in C major that sets the mood for the next track.

Guitar Lesson 4: “Children of the Grave”
A galloping rhythm is the backbone of this song. Based in E minor, it features palm-muted open-string riffs with an iconic syncopated rhythm. Iommi’s solo here incorporates trills and pull-offs, showcasing his ability to combine techniques effortlessly.

Guitar Lesson 5: “Orchid”
An acoustic piece in E minor, “Orchid” demonstrates Iommi’s finger-picking prowess once more. It incorporates slides, hammer-ons, and octave melodies, offering a soft break between heavier tracks.

Guitar Lesson 6: “Lord of This World”
This heavy doom track in E minor features sludgy power chords and chromaticism. The guitar solo is played with great emotion, employing sustain, string bending, and pinch harmonics.

Guitar Lesson 7: “Solitude”
Showcasing Iommi’s ability to create atmospheric music, this C# minor track involves arpeggiated chord progressions and harmonics. It’s a beautiful, moody piece with an absence of a traditional solo, allowing the chords to tell the story.

Guitar Lesson 8: “Into the Void”
A prime example of Iommi’s riff mastery, this track in E minor is marked by open-string riffs and syncopated rhythms. The solo includes both bluesy bends and tremolo picking, showing Iommi’s versatile technique.

Tony Iommi’s Contribution
Tony Iommi’s playing on “Master of Reality” is nothing short of groundbreaking. His innovative use of down-tuning (C# tuning) brought a heavier sound, and his riffs are a blend of blues scales and pentatonic, with chromatic touches. Iommi’s solos showcase his mastery of vibrato, string bending, and alternate picking. He also implemented acoustic passages and finger-picking, contributing to the album’s diverse sound. Overall, his creativity, technical prowess, and emotive playing have left an indelible mark on the world of rock and metal guitar.

Techniques Used in This Album
• Vibrato
• Alternate Picking
• Legato
• Pull-offs
• Power Chords
• Palm Muting
• String Bending
• Slides
• Gallop Rhythms
• Chromaticism
• Arpeggiated Chord Progressions
• Bluesy Bends
• Octave Melodies
• Open-string Riffs

“Master of Reality” remains a vital listen for any guitarist seeking to understand the roots of heavy metal guitar playing. The album’s combination of technical proficiency, emotional expression, and groundbreaking techniques makes it a timeless classic in the genre.

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