Classic Albums – Paranoid (Black Sabbath)

by Danny Gill
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“Paranoid” by Black Sabbath: A Guitarist’s Insight
Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid” album, released in 1970, is a seminal record in the history of heavy metal. Tony Iommi, the lead guitarist, played a fundamental role in shaping the sound and direction of the album, employing a variety of guitar techniques that had a lasting impact on the genre. This guide delves into each song, focusing on scales, solos, and Iommi’s signature style. Paranoid features many of Black Sabbath’s best known songs, and some of Tony Iommi’s most flashy blues rock influences.
Presented in stunning multi camera angle footage, you’ll learn the highlights of each song one note at a time so you’ll never get lost. From the iconic riffs to the explosive solos, never has it been so easy to learn one of the greatest albums ever.

Guitar Lessons In this Course
• War Pigs
• Paranoid
• Planet Caravan
• Iron Man
• Electric Funeral
• Hand of Doom
• Rat Salad
• Fairies Wear Boots

Guitar Lesson 1: “War Pigs”
The song starts with a chromatic riff and is played primarily in the E minor scale. The solo is filled with alternate picking and string bending. Iommi’s dark and aggressive style sets the tone for the entire album.

Guitar Lesson 2: “Paranoid”
A track that’s based around the E minor pentatonic scale, “Paranoid” includes rapid alternate picking and palm muting. The solo showcases Iommi’s ability to combine scales and arpeggios, making it one of the most recognizable solos in rock.

Guitar Lesson 3: “Planet Caravan”
This is a more mellow, spacey tune, with a unique use of finger-picking. Iommi employs altered tunings to create an ethereal sound, backed by slides and gentle vibrato.

Guitar Lesson 4: “Iron Man”
The song’s main riff is a model of power chords, combined with slides and hammer-ons. The solo uses the E minor pentatonic scale and showcases an extensive use of vibrato and slides, displaying Iommi’s mastery of expression.

Guitar Lesson 5: “Electric Funeral”
Played in E minor, this song’s riff uses chromaticism and palm muting to create a haunting effect. The solo includes unison bends and is a fantastic example of Iommi’s ability to evoke emotion through his playing.

Guitar Lesson 6: “Hand of Doom”
This song fluctuates between slow and fast sections. Iommi’s use of power chords and syncopated rhythms contribute to a gripping experience. The solo includes some remarkable finger work with string bending and vibrato.

Guitar Lesson 7: “Rat Salad”
An instrumental track that showcases Tony’s technique. He uses alternate picking, trills, and string bending, along with power chords, to create a complex piece that’s enjoyable for guitarists of all levels.

Guitar Lesson 8: “Fairies Wear Boots”
In this song, Iommi combines bluesy bends with slides in the E minor scale. The solo shows his command over vibrato, string bending, and slides, creating a remarkable conclusion to the album.

Tony Iommi’s Contribution
Tony Iommi’s guitar work on “Paranoid” is a masterclass in heavy metal guitar playing. His riffs, solos, and overall musicianship helped define the genre. Iommi’s unique playing style and innovative approach to guitar made this album a timeless classic.

Techniques Used in This Album
• Vibrato
• Alternate Picking
• Legato
• String Bending
• Slides
• Palm Muting
• Power Chords
• Hammer-ons
• Unison Bends
• Bluesy Bends
• Chromaticism
• Syncopated Rhythms
• Altered Tunings

Whether you’re new to guitar or a seasoned player, “Paranoid” offers a treasure trove of inspiration. Its influence resonates through decades, a testament to Black Sabbath’s innovation and Tony Iommi’s guitar prowess.

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