Learn to Play AC/DC Volume 2

by Danny Gill
Product Size: 4.04 GB (DVD5)

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The legendary rock band AC/DC has left an indelible mark on the world of music, especially in the realm of guitar. With anthems that are immediately recognizable, the band’s lead guitarist, Angus Young, has inspired countless guitarists with his raw energy, impeccable technique, and iconic solos. Dive into “Learn to Play AC/DC Volume 2” to master the intricate riffs, rhythms, and solos of some of their most memorable songs with tutor Danny Gill.

Tracks Include
• Sin City
• Shoot To Thrill
• Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
• Thunderstruck
• The Jack

Sin City
This is a quintessential blues-rock track. Played predominantly in the A Minor Pentatonic scale, the song incorporates a lot of bluesy bends, trills, and sustain, giving it that gritty, soulful feel. The guitar solo transitions between rhythm and lead seamlessly, demonstrating the importance of rhythm in lead guitar playing.

Shoot To Thrill
A song that embodies the power of rock guitar. It incorporates vibrant chord progressions and open-string riffs, giving it a broad, resonant sound. The solo is a fantastic exploration of the A Minor scale, mixing in slides and rapid legato runs, truly showcasing Young’s playful and energetic style.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Palm-muted power chords drive this track, giving it a pulsating rhythm. The song is an excellent exercise in galloping rhythms and syncopated rhythms. The guitar solo, rooted in the G Minor Pentatonic, combines slides, hammer-ons, and pull-offs, exemplifying the raw, unbridled energy that AC/DC is known for.

This track begins with a jaw-dropping, lightning-fast sequence played with alternate picking. The riff is in the B Mixolydian scale, and the solo incorporates double-stops and thrilling string bends. Its staccato, yet fluid motion makes it a fantastic exercise for building both speed and precision.

The Jack
“The Jack” leans heavily into blues influences. The song employs a slow, grinding chord progression with chromaticism thrown in for extra flavor. The guitar solo, rooted in the E Blues scale, is a lesson in phrasing, dynamics, and the art of building tension.

Angus Young: The Maestro Behind The Magic
Angus Young’s playing style is a blend of raw energy, impeccable technique, and a deep understanding of musicality. His solos often transition seamlessly from rhythm to lead, and he possesses an innate ability to make his guitar sing, scream, and everything in between. His playing is deeply rooted in blues, but with a rock edge that makes it uniquely AC/DC. His use of open-string riffs, bluesy bends, and rapid-fire legato runs make him a guitarist worth studying for players of all levels. By delving deep into these songs, one gains a deeper understanding of Young’s technique, style, and the essence of rock guitar.

Guitar Techniques Used in These Lessons
Vibrato / Alternate Picking / Legato / Double-Stops / String-Bending / Chord Progressions / Open-String Riffs / Bluesy Bends / Gallop Rhythms / Syncopated Rhythms / Slides / Hammer-Ons / Pull-Offs / Palm Muting / Power Chords / Chromaticism

By immersing yourself in these lessons, you’ll not only learn to play some of rock’s most iconic songs, but you’ll also gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the techniques and artistry that go into crafting timeless guitar anthems. Embrace the legacy of AC/DC and elevate your guitar skills to new heights.

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