Learn to Play AC/DC Volume 3

by Danny Gill
Product Size: 3.21 GB (DVD5)

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Few bands have stamped their mark on rock music as profoundly as AC/DC. With “Learn to Play AC/DC Volume 3”, Licklibrary offers guitarists the opportunity to join tutor Danny Gill and dive deep into the band’s iconic anthems and master them, note for note. In this volume, five classics are meticulously broken down, showcasing the genius of lead guitarist Angus Young.

Tracks Include
• Hells Bells
• You Shook Me All Night Long
• For Those About to Rock (We Salute You)
• T.N.T.
• Who Made Who

Hells Bells
Opening with a chime that’s now synonymous with rock history, Hells Bells sets the tone with its dark and brooding rhythm. The song predominantly moves through the D and A pentatonic scales. Angus employs a masterful blend of vibrato and sustained notes in the solos, emphasizing each note’s emotive quality. The iconic intro with its minor scale descent showcases Young’s ability to make even the simplest riffs unforgettable.

You Shook Me All Night Long
One of AC/DC’s most recognized tracks, You Shook Me All Night Long offers a splendid mix of open chord progressions and pentatonic lead work. The solos utilize the G Major and E Minor scales. Angus’ flawless alternate picking and the use of legato give the solos a smooth, fluid feel. The song’s playful bends and quick hammer-ons/pull-offs exemplify the lead guitarist’s virtuosity.

For Those About To Rock
With its anthemic chorus and powerful riffs, For Those About To Rock is a testament to rock’s indomitable spirit. The song makes great use of the E pentatonic scale and employs a series of double-stops in its rhythm work. The solos are a melodic journey, featuring Young’s signature vibrato and strategic use of arpeggios.

T.N.T. is an exemplar of raw, stripped-down rock. Based largely on the E pentatonic scale, the song’s central riff is both infectious and simple. The chorus sees a shift to power chords that provide the song its anthemic quality. In the solo, Angus introduces a flurry of pull-offs and hammer-ons, making it a rapid-fire showcase of his fretboard prowess.

Who Made Who
Serving as both a soundtrack to the movie Maximum Overdrive and a tribute to their legacy, Who Made Who is a rhythmic masterpiece. Young employs a mix of E Major and Minor scales. The song stands out for its syncopated rhythms and a solo that’s a masterclass in legato technique, string bending, and rapid alternate picking.

Angus Young – The Guitar Maestro
AC/DC’s sound is largely credited to Angus Young’s distinctive playing style. His high-energy performance and schoolboy outfit are iconic, but it’s his technical proficiency and ability to craft memorable riffs and solos that have cemented his legacy. Drawing influences from blues and early rock ‘n’ roll, Young has an innate ability to merge simplicity with complexity, ensuring each song is both accessible for listeners and rewarding for musicians. His solos, often improvised, are a melange of blues scales and rock aggression, making them timeless pieces of rock history.

Guitar Techniques Used In These Lessons
• Vibrato
• Alternate Picking
• Legato
• Double-stops
• Arpeggios
• Hammer-ons/Pull-offs
• Syncopated Rhythms
• Power Chords
• String Bending
• Open Chord Progressions

In conclusion, “Learn to Play AC/DC Volume 3” is an essential toolkit for any aspiring rock guitarist. Through these lessons, one not only learns the notes but also gains a deep appreciation for Angus Young’s artistry and the timeless appeal of AC/DC. Dive in and let there be rock!

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