Learn to Play Alter Bridge

by Andy James
Product Size: DVD1 3.87 GB / DVD2 3.88 GB (DVD5)

3.99 $


Guitar Lesson Course Overview
Dive into the world of Alter Bridge with Licklibrary.com’s detailed guitar lessons, designed to guide you note-for-note through some of the band’s most iconic songs. Discover the nuances, techniques, and creative genius behind tracks like “Ties That Bind,” “Isolation,” “Broken Wings,” “Blackbird,” and “Ghost Of Days Gone By.” This course is taught by Andy James

Tracks Include
Disc 1:
• Ties That Bind
• Isolation
• Broken Wings
Disc 2:
• Blackbird
• Ghost Of Days Gone By

Ties That Bind
“Ties That Bind” kicks off with a ferocious energy that is a playground for any guitarist. This track is rich with dynamic riffs and powerful chord progressions, utilizing a mix of pentatonic and natural minor scales. The solo is a testament to Mark Tremonti’s versatility, blending speed with melody and showcasing his impeccable alternate picking.

“Isolation” is another testament to Alter Bridge’s heavy, riff-centric style. The song features a blend of minor scales and arpeggios, creating a dark and immersive soundscape. The solo is a masterclass in legato technique, with Tremonti incorporating smooth hammer-ons and pull-offs, creating a fluid and expressive sound.

Broken Wings
“Broken Wings” showcases a softer side of Alter Bridge, with its melodic intro and emotive chord progressions. The song incorporates major and minor scales to create a poignant soundscape, and the solo features a combination of bends and vibrato, adding an extra layer of emotion to the composition.

“Blackbird” is arguably one of Alter Bridge’s most iconic songs, with its intricate guitar work and haunting melodies. The song explores various scales and arpeggios, building up to a solo that is both melodic and technically demanding. Tremonti’s use of tapped harmonics and string bending in the solo adds depth and complexity to the piece.

Ghost Of Days Gone By
“Ghost Of Days Gone By” combines catchy melodies with powerful riffs, featuring a mix of major and minor scales. The solo is a blend of speed and melody, with Tremonti utilizing alternate picking and legato to create a sound that is both aggressive and expressive.

Mark Tremonti: The Maestro Behind The Strings
Mark Tremonti, the lead guitarist of Alter Bridge, has a unique playing style that combines speed, precision, and melody. His contribution to these songs is significant, showcasing his ability to craft solos that are both technically challenging and musically enriching. Tremonti’s use of various scales, arpeggios, and techniques adds depth and diversity to Alter Bridge’s sound, making each song a unique auditory experience.

From the rapid alternate picking in “Ties That Bind” to the expressive legato in “Isolation,” Tremonti’s playing is a study in versatility. His use of different scales and arpeggios in songs like “Blackbird” and “Ghost Of Days Gone By” demonstrates his deep understanding of music theory and composition. Each solo is a journey, with Tremonti utilizing techniques like tapped harmonics and string bending to create soundscapes that are as diverse as they are captivating.

Techniques Used
Throughout these lessons, a variety of guitar techniques are dissected to help you grasp the essence of each song. Below is a list of techniques used in these Alter Bridge lessons:
Vibrato / Alternate Picking / Legato / Tapped Harmonics / String Bending / Arpeggios / Chord Progressions

Dive into these lessons, learn from Mark Tremonti’s mastery, and add a new dimension to your guitar playing with the nuanced styles and techniques of Alter Bridge. Whether you are looking to expand your technical proficiency or deepen your musical expression, Licklibrary.com’s “Learn to Play Alter Bridge” offers a comprehensive and enriching experience for every guitarist.

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