Learn To Play Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand & Kaiser Chiefs

by Michael Casswell
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Guitar Lesson Course Overview
Embark on a musical journey with LickLibrary’s comprehensive guitar course, “Learn To Play Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand & Kaiser Chiefs.” This meticulously crafted tutorial suite is dedicated to guiding you through some of the most iconic tracks from these bands, empowering you to capture the essence of indie rock and post-punk revival that swept the world during the early 2000s. This course is taught by Michael Casswell.

Tracks Include
• Arctic Monkeys – I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor
• Arctic Monkeys – When The Sun Goes Down
• Franz Ferdinand – Take Me Out
• Kaiser Chiefs – Everyday I Love You Less And Less
• Kaiser Chiefs – I Predict A Riot

Arctic Monkeys – I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
“I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor” is Arctic Monkeys’ debut single, known for its high-energy tempo and razor-sharp guitar riffs. Jamie Cook’s guitar work on this track is quintessential to its sound, utilizing a mix of aggressive strumming and concise melodic runs. The song primarily uses the E Minor scale, providing a perfect blend of rock ‘n’ roll energy and punk aggression.

The solo is quick, punchy, and makes excellent use of the minor pentatonic scale. It’s a fantastic example of how simplicity can sometimes lead to the most memorable melodies. Jamie Cook’s rhythm and lead guitar work drive the track’s frenetic pace, demonstrating how effective rhythmic precision and minimalism in lead lines can produce an iconic sound.

Arctic Monkeys – When The Sun Goes Down
“When The Sun Goes Down” showcases the Arctic Monkeys’ versatility, opening with a cleaner, reverberated guitar tone before launching into a high-gain chorus that hits like a ton of bricks. This track is played in the key of G# minor and makes frequent use of the blues scale for its licks and lead parts.

The solo in “When The Sun Goes Down” serves the song’s narrative, building tension with longer sustained notes before descending into quicker, more urgent phrases that match the lyrical content. Cook’s playing here showcases his ability to mix rhythm and lead seamlessly, providing a solid foundation in the verses before taking the spotlight with more intricate parts.

Franz Ferdinand – Take Me Out
“Take Me Out” is arguably Franz Ferdinand’s most popular song, with a distinctive, danceable rhythm guitar part and a lead line that’s as catchy as the vocal melody. The song is in the key of G minor and uses the natural minor scale to achieve its dark, but poppy feel.

The lead guitar in this song, while not a solo in the traditional sense, plays a call-and-response with the vocals, creating an unforgettable hook that’s integral to the song’s success.Nick McCarthy’s rhythm guitar work is front and center, driving the song with a constant, bouncing energy, while his lead lines are memorable for their simplicity and melodic content.

Kaiser Chiefs – Everyday I Love You Less And Less
This track is known for its quirky synth lines, but the guitar work is equally integral, providing a crunchy backdrop for the vocals and adding depth to the chorus. Played in C Minor, the song’s guitar parts use the natural minor scale to great effect, providing a sense of urgency and tension that matches the lyrical content.

Kaiser Chiefs – I Predict A Riot
“Predict A Riot” is a high-energy track from the Kaiser Chiefs with a driving rhythm and an anthemic chorus that’s made for shouting along. This song is in B Major and uses the mixolydian scale to give it a bright, yet edgy sound.

While “Predict A Riot” doesn’t feature a traditional solo, the lead guitar lines throughout are melodic and serve to complement the vocal lines, adding an extra layer of melody to the track. Andrew “Whitey” White’s guitar work on this track showcases his knack for creating hook-laden lead lines that weave in and out of the vocal melody, creating a rich, multi-layered sound.

The solo is short but sweet, using the minor pentatonic scale to create a melody that’s both familiar and fresh, encapsulating the song’s themes in a few quick bars. White’s playing on this track stands out for its rhythmic precision and the tightness of his chord changes, which keep the song moving at a breakneck pace.

Guitar Techniques Used in These Lessons
At the end of this journey, you’ll have armed yourself with a variety of guitar techniques fundamental to the styles of these iconic bands. Below is a list of techniques you will learn, each linked to a detailed glossary entry:
Vibrato / Alternate Picking / Legato / Double Stops / Slides / Hammer-ons / Pull-offs / Palm Muting / Power Chords / String Bending

Mastering these techniques will not only allow you to accurately play these songs, but also give you a deeper understanding of the unique sounds and styles of Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, and Kaiser Chiefs, ultimately making you a more versatile guitarist.

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