Learn to Play Bon Jovi

by Jamie Humphries
Product Size: DVD1 2.99 GB / DVD2 3.71 GB (DVD5)

3.99 $


Guitar Lesson Course Overview
Unleash the rockstar in you with LickLibrary’s “Learn to Play Bon Jovi”! This series by Jamie Humphries takes you on a musical journey through Bon Jovi’s greatest hits, breaking down each song note-for-note, so you can master the legendary techniques and iconic sounds that have inspired guitarists worldwide.

Tracks Include
Disc 1:
• You Give Love A Bad Name
• Livin’ on a Prayer
• Bad Medicine
Disc 2:
• Wanted Dead Or Alive
• Blaze Of Glory

You Give Love A Bad Name
“You Give Love A Bad Name” starts with an iconic talk box intro followed by a series of power chords and palm-muted rhythms. The song’s solo is a testament to Sambora’s ability to combine melody with technique, utilizing scales such as the E minor pentatonic and incorporating slides, pull-offs, and hammer-ons to create a memorable musical experience.

Livin’ On A Prayer
“Livin’ On A Prayer” is Bon Jovi’s anthem that features a talk box and catchy guitar riffs. The song is primarily in the key of E minor and incorporates the use of power chords and palm muting, creating its signature sound. The guitar solo is a masterpiece, blending scales and arpeggios seamlessly. Richie Sambora’s use of harmonics and vibrato adds depth and character to the solo, making it a classic.

Bad Medicine
“Bad Medicine” is a rock anthem that incorporates energetic riffs and powerful rhythms. The song’s foundation lies in its strong chord progressions and syncopated rhythms, delivering a punchy and infectious groove. Sambora’s solo in this track is a blend of alternate picking and legato, displaying his versatility and mastery over the guitar.

Wanted Dead Or Alive
“Wanted Dead Or Alive” showcases Richie Sambora’s exquisite skills in playing acoustic and electric guitars. The song features a mix of arpeggios and chord progressions, and it is played using open-string riffs and a 12-string acoustic guitar, giving it a western, cowboy-like feel. The solo is built around the D minor pentatonic scale, filled with string bending and vibrato, emphasizing the song’s theme of ruggedness and rebellion.

Blaze Of Glory
“Blaze Of Glory” is a song filled with emotion and intensity. The track features a combination of acoustic and electric guitars, utilizing techniques like finger-picking and slides. The solo is a journey through scales and arpeggios, with Sambora using two-handed tapping and string bending to express the song’s theme of honor and sacrifice.

Richie Sambora: The Lead Guitarist
Richie Sambora, the lead guitarist of Bon Jovi, has been a significant contributor to the band’s sound. His mastery over various guitar techniques and ability to blend melody with complexity has resulted in some of the most iconic solos and riffs in rock history. Sambora’s style is versatile, combining bluesy bends with modern rock elements, creating a unique sound that is synonymous with Bon Jovi’s music.

Guitar Techniques Used in the Lessons
In these lessons, you will come across a myriad of guitar techniques that Richie Sambora expertly employs to create Bon Jovi’s distinctive sound:
Vibrato / Alternate Picking / Legato / Harmonics / Pull-offs / Power Chords / Palm Muting / Slides / Two-handed Tapping / String Bending / Syncopated Rhythms / Open-String Riffs / Finger-Picking / Arpeggios / Chord Progressions

These lessons provide an in-depth analysis of each song and offer a step-by-step guide to mastering the techniques used by Richie Sambora, giving you the opportunity to add a new dimension to your playing style. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced guitarist, “Learn to Play Bon Jovi” is a valuable resource for enhancing your skills and understanding of rock guitar. Embrace the challenge and let the power of Bon Jovi’s music inspire your guitar journey!

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