Learn to Play Brian Setzer

by Stuart Bull
Product Size: 3.81 GB (DVD5)

3.99 $


Guitar Lesson Course Overview
Welcome to a musical journey with LickLibrary.com, where we bring you an extraordinary course titled “Learn to Play Brian Setzer”. This course by Stuart Bull offers note-for-note guitar lessons on iconic songs like Stray Cat Strut, Rock This Town, Runaway Boys, Built For Speed, and Rumble In Brighton. Setzer’s unique playing style blends rockabilly and swing, making it a delight for guitar enthusiasts to explore.

Tracks Include
• Rock This Town
• Stray Cat Strut
• Runaway Boys
• Built For Speed
• Rumble in Brighton

Rock This Town
Rock This Town is an upbeat, lively track incorporating the mixolydian scale and features dynamic chord progressions. The energetic guitar solo is a playground of alternate picking and legato, demonstrating Setzer’s versatility and technical prowess.

Stray Cat Strut
Stray Cat Strut, a notable rockabilly song, showcases a catchy melody and a blend of minor and major pentatonic scales, creating a unique sound. The guitar solo in this song is characterized by expressive bends and vibrato, emphasizing Setzer’s control and finesse.

Runaway Boys
Runaway Boys dives into rock and roll with its memorable riff and a combination of major and minor scales. The solo section is rich with tapped harmonics and double-stop bends, exhibiting Setzer’s innovative approach to melody and rhythm.

Built For Speed
Built For Speed, a fast-paced track, leverages the dorian scale to bring forth a bluesy feel. The solo explores unison bends, pinched harmonics, and trills, highlighting Setzer’s ability to blend different techniques seamlessly.

Rumble In Brighton
Rumble In Brighton offers a blend of surf rock and punk, utilizing the aeolian scale. The solo is a masterclass in tremolo picking and chord progressions, reflecting Setzer’s knack for creating atmospheric soundscapes.

Brian Setzer’s Contribution
Brian Setzer, the lead guitarist, is the mastermind behind these timeless tracks. His innovative approach, blending genres, and impeccable technique have contributed immensely to the unique sound of these songs. Setzer’s style is a harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary, where he employs classic rockabilly rhythms with modern guitar techniques, creating a sound that’s distinctly his own. His solos are often intricate, utilizing a variety of scales and arpeggios, and his mastery over techniques like alternate picking, legato, and harmonics has influenced a generation of guitarists.

Techniques Used in These Lessons
Vibrato / Alternate Picking / Legato / Tapped Harmonics / Double Stop Bends / Unison Bends / Trills / Tremolo Picking / Chord Progressions / Arpeggios / Pinched Harmonics / Harmonics

Explore these techniques and many more in the “Learn to Play Brian Setzer” course on LickLibrary.com. Dive deep into the intricate guitar work and discover the nuances that make Setzer’s style unique and groundbreaking. By learning these songs, you will not only appreciate Setzer’s contribution to music but also enrich your guitar playing skills, adding a new dimension to your musical repertoire.

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced player, this course is designed to offer you insights into Setzer’s techniques and his approach to melody and rhythm. Break down each song, explore the scales, analyze the solos, and understand the thought process behind each note. This course is not just a series of lessons; it’s a journey through the musical mind of one of the most influential guitarists in rockabilly music.

By the end of this course, you will have a deeper understanding of guitar playing, a greater appreciation for Setzer’s music, and an arsenal of new techniques to incorporate into your playing style. So, grab your guitar, tune in, and let’s rock this town with the timeless tunes of Brian Setzer on LickLibrary.

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