Learn to Play Chickenfoot

by Danny Gill
Product Size: DVD1 3.94 GB / DVD2 4.05 GB (DVD5)

3.99 $


Guitar Lesson Course Overview
Embark on an electrifying journey through the riffs, solos, and techniques of Chickenfoot, an American rock supergroup famed for its seasoned members and explosive sounds. “Learn To Play Chickenfoot” encapsulates detailed guitar lessons for some of their chart-topping songs: “Oh Yeah,” “Down The Drain,” “Soap On A Rope,” “Big Foot,” and “Last Temptation.” This immersive course by Danny Gill is designed for guitar enthusiasts eager to dissect the band’s unique style and incorporate their nuances into their play.

Tracks Include
Disc 1:
• Soap On A Rope
• Down The Drain
Disc 2:
• Oh Yeah
• Big Foot
• Last Temptation

Soap On A Rope
“Soap On A Rope” stands out with its driving riffs and intricate rhythms. The song, rooted in the E minor pentatonic scale, features aggressive strumming patterns and syncopated rhythms. The guitar solo is a testament to Satriani’s dexterity, packed with rapid alternate picking, pinched harmonics, and whammy bar tricks for added color.

Down The Drain
This track is a jam-session-turned-song, characterized by its loose structure and raw energy. The improvisational nature makes it unique, with the E minor scale governing its tonality. The guitar work is heavy on legato and pull-offs, demanding fluidity in play. The solo section is an expressive exhibit of Satriani’s skill in building tension and release, making extensive use of the slide technique and sustained notes.

Oh Yeah
“Oh Yeah” kicks off with a powerful, catchy riff setting the stage for a hard rock anthem. The song primarily utilizes the A minor pentatonic scale, providing a familiar foundation for many guitarists. Satriani’s solo is a blend of melodic phrasing and rapid-fire techniques, showcasing his command over scales and mastery in string bending and vibrato.

Big Foot
“Big Foot” charges forth with an adrenaline-pumping riff, utilizing the G major scale, which sets a slightly brighter tonal context. The staccato playing style and palm muting in the riffs create a rhythmic pulse that drives the song. The solo is a smorgasbord of techniques, with a notable use of two-handed tapping and sweep picking, displaying both precision and speed.

Last Temptation
The moody and dynamic “Last Temptation” explores the D minor scale, offering a mix of heavy riffs and more melodic sections. The guitar parts feature extensive use of power chords and barre chords, demanding endurance and finger strength. Satriani’s solo encompasses a range of emotions, utilizing slow bends, fast legato runs, and expressive vibrato.

Lead Guitarist: Joe Satriani
Chickenfoot’s sonic depth owes much to lead guitarist Joe Satriani, a virtuoso known for his technical proficiency and his genre-blending musical explorations. Satriani’s contributions to the songs are significant, bringing in a mix of hard rock and blues influences, with a touch of his signature experimental flair. His playing style, distinguished by complex solos, innovative scales, and pioneering techniques, presents a rich learning ground for guitarists.

Guitar Techniques Used in Lessons
The lessons in “Learn To Play Chickenfoot” cover a broad spectrum of guitar techniques, essential for capturing the band’s eclectic style. Below is a list of these techniques, with links to our glossary for detailed explanations:
Vibrato / Alternate Picking / Legato / Pull-offs / Slides / String Bending / Pinched Harmonics / Whammy Bar Tricks / Two-handed Tapping / Sweep Picking / Palm Muting / Power Chords / Barre Chords / Syncopated Rhythms

“Learn To Play Chickenfoot” offers an in-depth exploration of the band’s guitar-driven sound, with Joe Satriani’s masterful techniques at the forefront. This course is not just a series of lessons but a pathway to understanding the synergy between rock and blues, emotion and technique, and rhythm and lead playing that defines Chickenfoot’s music. Whether you’re a beginner looking to understand the fundamentals or an advanced player aiming to dissect Satriani’s solos, this learning experience promises a significant advancement in your guitar journey.

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