Learn to Play Jimi Hendrix, The Solos

by Danny Gill
Product Size: 3.54 GB (DVD5)

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Unleash the spirit of rock ‘n roll with Licklibrary’s comprehensive course: “Learn To Play Jimi Hendrix – The Solos”. Dive deep into the world of Jimi Hendrix, one of the most influential guitarists of all time, and learn the essence of his solos through these note-for-note guitar lessons for five iconic songs: Little Wing, Voodoo Child (Slight Return), Purple Haze, Hey Joe, and The Wind Cries Mary.

Little Wing
A beautiful blend of blues, jazz, and rock, “Little Wing” is played in the key of E minor. The song showcases Hendrix’s mastery of the major and minor pentatonic scales. The solo in this piece emphasizes his use of double-stops, slides, and the expressive vibrato that became one of his signatures. It offers a profound lesson in expressive soloing.

Voodoo Child (Slight Return)
“Voodoo Child (Slight Return)” in E flat tuning, with a key of E, reveals Hendrix’s psychedelic side. Dominated by the minor pentatonic scale and blues scale, the solo includes elements like string bending, whammy bar tricks, and wah-wah effects. The performance is a masterclass in raw energy and provides a window into Hendrix’s ability to create a powerful connection with the listener.

Purple Haze
Played in the key of E flat, “Purple Haze” uses the blues scale to build tension and interest. Hendrix’s solo in this track displays his mastery over techniques such as alternate picking, slides, and string bending. His approach to chromaticism in this piece stands as an inspiring lesson for guitarists seeking to add flavor to their solos.

Hey Joe
In “Hey Joe,” played in the key of E, Hendrix demonstrates the richness of the blues. Making extensive use of the major pentatonic scale and chromaticism, the solo presents a blend of bends, hammer-ons, and pull-offs. Hendrix’s emotive approach to this song offers a heartfelt expression of storytelling through music.

The Wind Cries Mary
The key of F presents “The Wind Cries Mary” as a softer, more melodic composition. Using the major scale, Hendrix’s solo is filled with grace and finesse, reflecting his skills in using arpeggios, slides, and syncopated rhythms. This song highlights his ability to paint vivid pictures with his guitar, making it a valuable lesson for aspiring musicians.

About Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix was not just a musician; he was a pioneer who revolutionized the way the electric guitar is played. His unique approach to the guitar was characterized by his impressive ability to merge various styles, from rock to blues to psychedelia. His creativity and innovative techniques have left an indelible mark on music and continue to inspire guitarists to this day.

Guitar Techniques Used In These Lessons
• Vibrato
• Alternate Picking
• Slides
• String Bending
• Hammer-ons
• Pull-offs
• Chromaticism
• Whammy Bar Tricks
• Syncopated Rhythms
• Arpeggios
• Bluesy Bends

“Learn To Play Jimi Hendrix – The Solos” is more than just a tutorial; it’s a journey through time and a celebration of the genius of Hendrix. By engaging with these lessons, you’re not only developing your technical abilities but also immersing yourself in the artistry and innovation that continues to shape the world of guitar playing. Join Licklibrary on this musical adventure and become part of Hendrix’s timeless legacy.

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