Learn to Play Van Halen, The Solos

by Stuart Bull
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Eddie Van Halen is more than just a name in the rock world. He’s a phenomenon, a trailblazer, and an icon whose guitar work has been studied, revered, and imitated by countless guitarists around the world. For any guitarist aspiring to master the world of rock solos, understanding Van Halen’s techniques and signature licks is paramount.
At Licklibrary.com, we’ve crafted a meticulously detailed course for you: “Learn To Play Van Halen – The Solos”, where we explore some of the most iconic solos from the Van Halen repertoire. Let’s delve into these masterpieces note by note taught by Stuart Bull.

Lesson Performance Notes
The exuberance of the song “Jump” is unmissable. One of Van Halen’s biggest hits, the solo here is characterized by a blend of major scales and arpeggios. Eddie utilizes a mix of fast legato licks interspersed with his signature two-handed tapping technique. The solo is both melodic and technically challenging, encapsulating the spirit of the song perfectly.

“Panama” is a raw, high-energy track. The guitar solo here dives deep into the minor pentatonic scale, with a generous dose of pinch harmonics and rapid alternate picking passages. The song’s bridge also showcases Eddie’s ability to use harmonics in a melodic context, making it a great study for intermediate and advanced guitarists.

Beat It
While “Beat It” is a Michael Jackson track, Eddie Van Halen’s contribution to the song’s iconic guitar solo made it a rock legend. The solo stands out for its utilization of the minor scale, rapid-fire tapping, and whammy bar antics. Eddie’s explosive style and precision here became a subject of study for many guitarists worldwide.

Somebody Get Me A Doctor
Diving into the hard rock territory, “Somebody Get Me A Doctor” is a showcase of Eddie’s blues influences. The solos lean heavily on the minor pentatonic scale with its bluesy bends and rapid trills. It’s a testament to Eddie’s ability to blend raw emotion with impeccable technique.

Hot For Teacher
“Hot For Teacher” is Eddie at his technical best. The tapping intro alone is a masterclass in two-handed technique. The solo is a rapid flurry of tapped harmonics, legato runs, and alternate picking, all grounded in the minor scale framework. It’s both a challenge and a joy to learn.

Eddie Van Halen: The Maestro Behind The Songs
To talk about these solos without mentioning the maestro behind them would be incomplete. Eddie Van Halen revolutionized guitar playing with his unique approach to the instrument. From his pioneering tapping techniques to his innovative use of the whammy bar, Eddie pushed the boundaries of what was possible on the guitar. His solos were not just about speed and technique; they were melodically rich and rhythmically diverse, often serving as mini compositions within the songs. Each of the tracks in this course is a testament to Eddie’s genius and his immense contribution to rock music.

Guitar Techniques Used In These Lessons
• Vibrato
• Alternate Picking, Legato
• Tapped Harmonics
• Trills
• Harmonics
• Pull-offs
• Two-handed Tapping
• Slides
• String-bending
• Whammy-bar Tricks
• Bluesy Bends

Concluding, the “Learn To Play Van Halen – The Solos” course is not just a set of guitar lessons; it’s a journey into the world of one of the most influential guitarists of all time. By the end of this course, you’ll not only master the solos but also gain a deeper appreciation for Eddie Van Halen’s unparalleled musicality and innovation.

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