Advanced Modern Rock Guitar Improvisation

by Jon Finn
Product Size: 1.36 GB (with PDF) (DVD5)

2.99 $


Renowned Berklee College of Music faculty guitarist Jon Finn, combines his experience, education, and stylistic versatility in this eclectic series of lessons for aspiring rock guitarists. Jon’s innovative approach is unique, fun, and challenging. The book/audio set and video both offer a well researched original take on the use of pentatonic scales in rock improvisation. Using his “Warp Refraction Principle” which takes into account the major third tuning interval between the second and third strings, Jon presents a series of five vertical patterns applied in two-string increments throughout the fretboard. The philosophy behind this project is to present concepts and techniques as a thought process rather than simply providing a reference manual. Includes access to online audio and video.

• Introduction:
How to use this book
• The Warp Refraction Principle: The guitar’s “Laws of Physics”
• Fretboard Geometry: A new look at Pentatonics
• Alternate Pentatonics: How to use pentatonics without anyone knowing
• Modes For Morons: Use pentatonics to find modes
• The Magic Number Sequence: Fretboard Geometry applied to modes
• Choose Your Notes: How the Magic Number Sequence can apply to note choice
• Decode the Modes: When do you use what mode?
• Alternate Modes: What they are and how to use them
• Review/conclusion: How it all relates

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