The Guitar of Pierre Bensusan Volume 1

by Pierre Bensusan
Product Size: 3.62 GB (with PDF) (DVD5)

2.99 $


Pierre Bensusan’s diverse influences yield profoundly original sound and style that defy classification. In this first video lesson, Pierre teaches Hekimoglu, LeLendemain de la Fete, La Danse Du Capricorne, The Return from Fingal, Voyage for Ireland, The Rakish Paddy, and many more.

A detailed tab/music booklet is included as a PDF file on the DVD

90 Minutes

Le Lendemain de la Fete
La Danse du Capricorne
The Return From Fingal
Voyage For Ireland
The Rakish Paddy
Heman Dubh
Maurice In Wonderland
Climats Doux et Temp’r’s
Merrily Kissed The Quaker

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