In Your Face Guitar

by Alexi Laiho
Product Size: DVD1 2.66 GB / DVD2 2.75 GB (with PDF) (DVD5)

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In Your Face Guitar – Advanced Techniques & Concepts

Shredding like a 21st century Randy Rhodes, Alexi Laiho is the face of modern metal guitar. He artfully mixes bluesy hard rock ferocity with dashes of Western classical harmony, European progressive rock, American thrash and Eighties hair metal that produces a compelling blend of flat-out aggression. His virtuosity is unmatched by his contemporaries. Learn his signature scale patterns and sequences he uses to move across the neck. He reveals his techniques for string skipping and tapping arpeggios, arpeggio progressions and advanced bending that give him a soulful sound all his own. Alexi shows you how he writes and constructs leads, syncopated rhythms and his personal tricks for making crazy guitar sounds. By the end of this program your skill will advance to IN YOUR FACE playing!

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