Metal Guitar – Heavy Rhythms, Leads & Harmonies Level 1

by Oli Herbert
Product Size: 4.63 GB (with PDF) (DVD9)

2.99 $


2009 MUSIC & SOUND RETAILER: BEST INSTRUCTIONAL BOOK/DVD OF THE YEAR! Oli Herbert, a founding member and primary song writer of the melodic metal band All That Remains, designed this program with Rock House to give aspiring Metal guitarists insight into song writing and lead playing. In Level 1 he reveals the chords, inversions and voicings he uses to create the rhythm progressions and write songs. Learn techniques such as muted picking, string skipping and tapping. He teaches how he uses arpeggios, sweep picking, pedaling and pivoting as both lead and rhythm techniques. Oli shares his personal workout routines and much more. The included backing tracks from original All That Remains recordings allow you to

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